Recently I’ve had an opportunity to work with an 11 year old girl at the request of her mother. Her mother gifted her a session with me for her birthday at her daughter’s request. I was surprised and honored. I really didn’t know what to expect when we met. I asked if she wanted her mother to join us and her mom left the choice up to her. She asked her mom to stay.

The session was beautiful and both mom and daughter seemed to get a lot out of it. Questions were asked and answers shared. I was impressed that this young girl had a clear vision of what she wanted to do with her life as well. I recorded the session and sent the recording to her mom for their reference. Opportunities for conversation between the two of them opened in different ways.

Why am I bringing this up now?

It was a beautiful reminder of how open many of our young people are today. They are having experiences that are different from most of their friends. They have questions and yet don’t know how to talk about their experiences with their friends or teachers. In some cases there is fear because they feel different. They know things but don’t have a language to talk about them. Sometimes their thought processes are so fast they get bored easily in school and their grades begin to slip. They feel different and often isolated. Fortunately, in the case of my client, her mom was very “tuned in” and supportive.

I was asked if I offered programs for this age group. “Not right now”, I said. I asked them what they were interested in and whether they wanted something with or without a parent. They seemed pretty open so their request has been percolating within me for a bit. However, it brought back some of my past experiences in working with young boys and girls from ages 10 – 15 years. I facilitated and participated in age appropriate programs that included creative physical exercise, breathing, meditation, feeling subtle energy, relaxation, exploring beyond the 5 senses, and sharing. The response from the young people and changes that they experienced, including improved self-confidence warmed my heart.

I remember one 10 year old boy in a weekly class who decided to put his fears of math in an energy ball sending them away. He found that math was no longer so scary! Another 10 year old boy was so angry when he joined a two week summer program. After breathing and meditation time all he drew were pictures of war and battles. He held himself apart from the group. After a couple of weeks of him being there, accepting him, loving and supporting him he volunteered to be the leader of a group for a celebration program for the parents. It was so heartwarming to see the shift within him, his improved self-confidence, and willingness to be a leader. He was a different kid!

In talking to some of my colleagues they are also being asked to work with young people in this same age group. Young people are awakening more consciously and seem to have fewer filters and old beliefs than their adult counterparts. Many are searching and yearning for something more and don’t know what it is or how to express it. They are sensitive to their surroundings and others. I find these young people curious and open to new experiences once they trust who they’re with and what’s happening. Being fluid and flexible has been a great learning experience for me. Accepting these kids where they are and remaining open to explore their questions either privately or in a group is key.

  • Do you or others you know have experience with these sensitive young people?
  • Would you find programs for these kids beneficial?

I’m open to your suggestions and would love to hear your experiences.

If you would like to contact me please click here. I am at Storm Wisdom in Phoenix, AZ on Tuesdays from 1p – 6p and I’m available by appointment by phone.

With Light & Love,
