If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.

~ Marvin Gaye, Singer, songwriter, record producer

Chaos seems to be ever present right now with no sign of letting up any time soon. In addition to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis I was so sorry to hear about the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this week. Her courage, perseverance and belief in fighting for women’s rights, civil rights, and equality for all is remarkable and she will be missed. I’m reminded that now, more than ever, is a time for each one of us to remain centered and focus on positive and peaceful outcomes.

I know at times you may feel overwhelmed and when you do please remember to take a few deep breaths and bring your awareness into your heart space. Imagine the spark of hope and unconditional love are yours to connect with from here. Feel it. Cherish it. Allow yourself to relax and let the calm move through your body. Remember, peace begins within.

Finding peace in the midst of chaos might seem challenging. Once you begin practicing it becomes easier and almost second nature. Being aware and conscious of when you aren’t centered and feeling peaceful is part of the practice. When you aren’t or feel overwhelmed ask yourself, “Is what I’m feeling mine or coming from somewhere else?” Many of you are sensitive to other energies and are empathic. Recognizing what’s yours and what’s not is important. If it isn’t yours then ask to release all that’s not yours! Imagine how much lighter you will feel. Do you feel more peaceful?

Let your imagination come out and play! We all receive and respond differently as we seek inner peace. Some of you may find it easy to sit quietly with or without music and let go of your busy thoughts. Others of you might find it easier to engage differently using smell, sound, sight or movement. Henry David Thoreau, American essayist, poet, and philosopher has said, “I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” Have you ever felt taller than the trees? Finding peace in nature is one way. In some of my quiet moments I’ve felt my physical body drop away and connected with everything, true Oneness and peace. I’ve also connected with the consciousness of trees and rocks!

How many of you have found inner peace near the ocean or other bodies of water? What about being around trees, flowers, plants, animals, or from the majestic heights on a mountain top? What about riding on a Harley or listening to the rain? These are some of the places that some of you have described as “happy and peaceful places”. For some of you it’s easier to seek inner peace in a supportive environment. There is no right or wrong way.

Finding peace in the midst of chaos is part of our human experience. Wanting to escape chaos or have it go away is natural. However, our divine and spiritual nature aren’t separate. Learning to navigate these times peacefully is important. Decisions and choices can be made more clearly. Meister Eckhart, German theologian, philosopher, and mystic tells us that “Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by turning solitary and going away from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.” Be a peaceful warrior in the world.

God is in all things. If there is a location that helps you feel happy and safe then enjoy it as you seek peace from within. Immerse yourself in its beauty. Notice the sounds, smells, colors, and how you feel. Bring your awareness into your heart space and feel your thoughts calm. If you aren’t able to physically be there then imagine it. Recall how you feel when you’re there and enjoy! Remember, all is possible!

Channeling Luminus & The Messengers of Light

Tuesday, September 29th we will offer a channeling and healing experience with Luminus and the Messengers of Light from 2p-3:30p Pacific/AZ time. This session will be offered via Zoom and recorded. If you are interested in participating or receiving the recording please click here to register

With Light & Love,
