Choice A Simple Way to Peace

When I wrote Choice A Simple Way to Peace published in 2007 it was written through the voice of a young teenage girl, Emily. One of the Chapters reflects on Peace. Emily wonders what she can do about peace. I thought I would share one of her reflections.

What Happens to Peace?

Peace is with me every minute
of every day.
Why isn’t it here to stay?
What happens to peace?

Does it go away or do I just leave?
Is it something that comes
when I roll up my sleeve?
What happens to peace?

When my thoughts are racing
and I can’t wait to move on;
does peace feel neglected and put upon?
Is that what happens to peace?

When I’m excited and happy
about my new game,
does peace think all I want
is fortune and fame?
Is that what happens to peace?

When I wonder why there is violence and pain,
has peace been forgotten
like so much rain?
What happens to peace?

When I lay in my bed quietly at night,
I remember that peace is within me all right!
I forgot to be quiet and go deep inside.
I forgot that peace is within me,
lying on my back or on my side!

I can choose peace either day or at night.
I can choose peace all the time; it is right!
I can choose peace when my thoughts are not racing.
I can choose peace when I’m silent, not pacing.

©2007, All Rights Reserved

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Choice A Simple Way to Peace

Victoria Barna
Transformative Guide, Healer, Author