I was recently asked by a dear friend, “What brings you joy?” This is a question that I usually ask my clients and as I sat and thought about it I responded, “What really revs my jets is watching the light bulb go on within my client. I love helping clients remember and accept that they are powerful and that they can create anything they want — taking back their power.” I feel very passionate about this. This is what keeps me going and what keeps me doing this kind of work.
I believe that each one of us can access exactly what we need. We must learn to trust what we know is right for us! What role can I play in this whole process then? I see myself like a coach with lots of tools to use to help clients. I share my own experiences, invite others to explore their personal fears, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, desires and interests and to see choices clearly. I offer encouragement as well as tools and insights that are designed to create more awareness, compassion and acceptance of oneself and others. Ultimately I help clients to accept themselves and remember who they are and why they are here. Results are individual and varied because they rely on personal choice — a choice to take action that can lead to life changes and transformation.
Change and transformation begin within. These are individual choices. No one can change or transform another person. My experience is that when I choose to change my habits, perceptions and beliefs others around me shift and change. I have to take action first in order to change!
As I reflected on my focus moving forward this year it’s to help YOU:

Reclaim Your Power and Recapture Your Brilliance!™


What does it take?
In my experience it takes commitment, courage and perseverance. Sometimes it may feel hard but clients that I work with have all said that, “It is life- changing and it’s worth it!”
How do you begin this journey more consciously?
I’m offering several options that can help. My dear colleague, Gisela Arenas, and I will offer a group Reclaim Your Power . . . Recapture Your Brilliance!™ with FREE Introduction class on March 20th and March 23rd with Reclaim Your Power . . . Recapture Your Brilliance!™ Master Class – Level I with certification beginning April 6th at Storm Wisdom in Phoenix, AZ.
If you enjoy a more personal experience please consider Reclaim Your Power . . . Recapture Your Brilliance!Personal Mastery Program that is available now.

Are you ready to Reclaim Your Power and Recapture Your Brilliance?

Reclaim Your Power...Recapture Your Briliance

Find out if Group Mastery is for you by clicking here.
Victoria Barna
Life Coach, Author & Speaker
©Victoria Barna, Jan 2013