We are all people who need to love, because Love is the soul’s life. Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.

~ Hafez, Spiritual poet and mystic

Love is! I’m feeling the energies of love all around. Maybe it’s because it’s close to Valentine’s Day or maybe it’s because Love is who we are! Basking in and feeling these energies within and around me are making me smile. Loving and being loved are a gift beyond measure. Signs and symbols of Love are appearing as swans, sea shells, hearts, roses, doves, and Cupid. The Universe continues to whisper and send signs. Listening, hearing and recognizing them are up to us.

As I reflect upon my spiritual journey of awakening I remember meditating one day several years ago and all of a sudden I felt an overwhelming sense of unconditional love. It was so powerful I broke down in tears. Words aren’t adequate to describe how it felt though. I felt humbled and yet in that moment I knew that Love is who we are and it’s unconditional. This isn’t the romantic love that we experience. Romantic love, loving and being loved by someone, is special and important as we learn to be in relationship with others. These feelings are exciting and can run deep in different ways.

The unconditional Love I experienced felt deeper and more profound. Have you felt it? I’ve felt it many times during meditation when I’m centered and my thoughts are quiet. This awareness, that Love is always there to bask in is reinforced by Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk who said, “Love is a living, breathing thing. There is no need to force it to grow in a particular direction. If we start by being easy and gentle with ourselves, we will find it is just there inside of us, solid and healing.” In my experience, he’s right. This is an inner and limitless love. It’s who we are! And yet, the feeling of love in the air that makes me smile is special too!

I know that I’ve said many times that Love is who we are. It’s the essence or core often called Soul. This is our divine nature and isn’t separate from our human nature. We are both. Expressing our divinity as human beings is another beautiful gift that we’ve been given. How do we choose to express our love, compassion, kindness, understanding, and acceptance of others creatively and in our daily lives? Each one of us will do it differently and yet we aren’t limited to loving and being loved as human beings. Remember, you are the artist, author, and master gardener of your life! Why not see through the lens of love; feel love around you as well as within you; hear the birdsongs of love; and feel the texture of love through all that you touch?

Krishna Das, Singer, songwriter, and record producer offers his view that, “Love is what we are; we don’t get it from somebody, we can’t give it to anybody, we can’t fall in it or fall out of it. Love is our true Being.” This kind of Love is different from the love we find through our human relationships. The one found within is eternal and the other enhances our human experience!

Channeling Luminus & The Messengers of Light

My February group Zoom channeling sessions with Luminus and the Messengers of Light will be offered on Tuesday, February 9th and 23rd at 1p PST – 2p AZ/MTN – 3p CT – 4p ET time. During the channeling Luminus invites participants to ask a question. This session will be recorded. If you are interested in participating or receiving the recording please click here to register

If you would like to connect or schedule a private session please contact us.

With Light & Love,
