Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass . . . It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Vivian Greene, Visionary, artist, author, and entrepreneur

With the Fall Equinox passing it brings to mind seasonal changes. Moving from summer into fall and preparing for winter. This equinox symbolizes balance, preparation and reflection. Many describe it as a time for balancing the struggle between light and dark within ourselves. Some see this as a struggle between life and death of our old habits and beliefs creating opportunities for new beginnings. In nature, what was planted in the spring has been harvested and the soil is being prepared for new plantings. Some animals have prepared by storing winter food and supplies and will hibernate waiting for spring once again.

Vivian Greene’s quote reminds me that storms, both literally and figuratively, will always be a part of our lives. So, learning to dance in the rain is one way to weather them in a more positive way metaphorically. My intention isn’t to make light of the physical tragic storms, fires, and devastation that have affected many people in our country. Rather, it’s a reminder of how powerful our own inner strength is. Mahatma Gandhi, Lawyer, anti-colonialist, and political ethicist, reminds us that, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” When we draw from that deep inner well of strength, the will to survive, we can be unstoppable.

As I reflect and write today an image of an old movie starring Gene Kelly who dances in the rain comes to mind. He’s smiling, dancing, getting soaking wet and swinging around a lamp post. Hmmm. As I move into my heart space with this image I ask, “What storms am I holding within myself that are ready to release that will make room for something new? Am I ready and willing to change? Am I willing to be vulnerable in the unknown? Can I let go of fearing the changes and chaos that will occur?” Whew!! Answers may not come right away but I’m open to BE with them and receive them. Then, it’s my choice to make changes in my life or not!

During this reflective time are you ready to dive deep into your inner well of beauty, strength, and wisdom? Are you ready to learn more about yourself? This time can help to build self-confidence, reinforce priorities, gain clarity, and open to new possibilities. Are you ready to be the ‘best you’ that you can be? Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk reminds us that, “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” Let’s learn to dance in the rain together and be ourselves! How about it?

I am available, for private intuitive coaching sessions at Storm Wisdom on Tuesdays from 1p – 6p by appointment. If you would like to connect with me or schedule a channeled private session on Tuesdays and explore becoming more of who you are, please call Storm Wisdom (602) 334-1204. I am also available by phone or Zoom on other days. I’d LOVE to work with you. Any questions, please contact us.

Channeling Luminus & Unseen Friends

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With Light & Love,
