
In the light of dawn and the dark of night
I feel the yearning in my heart.
Rejoice, for as the light grows brighter from within
I find all that I seek.

What does it mean for one to awaken?

First, the awakening that takes place within the heartspace is more metaphorical. It is not necessarily the physical heart muscle, although the heart muscle is conscious just as every part of our being is conscious.
We associate the heart with emotions and love. We speak of broken hearts, mending hearts, open hearts, grieving hearts and loving hearts in everyday experiences. Some may even call this place soul, life force and essence.
Imagine a neutral and expansive heartspace. Physically feel it in the center of your chest, below the collar bone and above the rib cage. Feel it clear and centered. It is here when thoughts are quiet and minds are silent that infinite wisdom, cosmic information and knowledge and answers to our greatest questions can be received and understood clearly.
Infinite information is available to guide, assist and inform in each moment if our conscious minds are quiet enough so that information can filter through and be sorted out. This is when meditation and other tools to help quiet the mind are helpful and useful.

The Infinite Heart is neutral and expansive!

How do you know when you are awakening?

Some people have described it: “I feel restless but I don’t know what it is.” “I have an amazing life but I know there is something more.” “My life is blessed. I know it. I want to give back but I don’t know how.” “I feel as though I’m supposed to do something more with my life. I want to make a contribution, a difference, and I’m not sure what it looks like.”

Your experience is yours.
Embrace and own it!

Age doesn’t seem to be a factor. Comparable comments have been made by people in their twenties as well as their sixties and older. Each person’s journey of awakening is an individual one.
A person chooses this awakening at precisely the time it’s felt and the experience develops. Divine it is and it’s in divine timing.
Have you ever found yourself wishing that your awakening had happened earlier?
I did, and I realized that I chose the time for my own awakening and also chose the other types of experiences to create the foundation that would best support my life purpose and journey along the way.
Practical tools are available for everyone’s use. Astrology, numerology, subtle energy practices, QiGong, Tai Chi, Yoga, meditation and breath work, to name a few, are available to help quiet racing thoughts and bring awareness into the conscious mind. All of these practices provide helpful ways to move into your heartspace more easily where answers and inner peace can be found—a place where feeling centered and grateful feel natural.

Help is available.
You are never alone.

If your journey has been an evolving and transformational one, you can think of it as a spiral and not a straight line going directly from point A to point B. Through the awakening process, like the spiral, imagine that there is no ending but only a deeper level of awakening taking place.

The analogy of peeling an onion which has many layers is also used to explain this process.
The spiral image is perfect since it has no ending and it has no beginning. On the spiral you are just at a different point on the spiral.
As a conscious choice to expand and grow is made limited thinking, beliefs, habits and expectations are released.
Remember who you’ve been and remember who you are. Remember who you’ve always been and why you’re here.

You are a creator
who creates in each and every moment.
Consciously choose to expand and grow.

When awakening begins we may remember that we have no separation from the Divine. We begin to know that the Divine can be and is described by many names which include God, Creator, Spirit, All That Is/Was/and Ever Will Be, the ONE, or Allah. No name is all-inclusive. Many people have no name at all to describe the Divine.
It really doesn’t matter what you call the ONE Source of All. Here we’ll use the name of God to describe the ONE Source. Please insert your own name for the Divine and ONE Source, the one that is most comfortable for you when you see the name of God used.

We are not separate from God.

The Divine ONE Source

is known by many names

and the Divine,

the ONE Source

can be known by no name.

As the journey of awakening begins it may seem confusing at first. You may feel as though you don’t know what to do next or how to get clear answers. This is when getting in touch with your heart’s desire helps. It’s not uncommon to hear, “I can’t meditate; it’s too hard for me to focus; I don’t have time; or I don’t have a quiet space where I’m not interrupted.”
To assist you during the awakening process we will be sharing, on our next two blog posts, different Opening Experiences to help you move into your infinite heartspace and feel its expansiveness.

and let go
of what you believe
the outcome is.

You are more than you think!
With Great Love & Light,

Victoria Barna
©2012 & Beyond

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